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路 搴旀 ョ 鐞? 涓滈儴鍥 尯鍦熷湴鏁寸悊銆佺幆澧冩暣娌昏 缃 競. 寮 鍙戝尯鍙 紑钀藉疄鍏氶 寤夋斂寤鸿 璐d换鍒朵笓棰樻姤鍛婁細. 杩庘 滀竷涓 鈥濓紝鑱嗗惉鎬讳功璁拌 璇濅负95杞借緣鐓屽枬褰 簡鈥滃厷鏃モ 濓紝鎺 储. 浜掔浉浜ゆ祦锛屾敮閮ㄥ伐浣滄墦寮 鏂版 濊矾锛涚晠鎵 娆茶 锛屾帰璁ㄥ厷寤哄舰鎴愭柊鍏辫瘑. 鏌 凹鍗 編鑳借揪鍏夊 浠 櫒锛堜笂娴凤級鏈夐檺. 涓婃捣涓滄 姗 兌涓 績鏈夐檺鍏 徃. 涓婃捣渚濊 璺 厜瀛 湁闄愬叕鍙? 涓婃捣涓镐徊楗 敯鏈烘 鏈夐檺鍏 徃.
I have made this account to escape from the real world and let out all my feelings. I wish my brother was this sort of man.